Custody Schedule Visual Guides
Explore the advantages of our color-coded and user-friendly custody schedule guides designed with our clients in mind. Especially good for visual learners, these schedules offer a clear and accessible format.
Click here to find the 2025 Joint Custody Visual Guide.
Click here to find the 2025 Standard Visitation Visual Guide.
Standard Visitation Schedules
These visitation schedules are called standard for a reason. Many custody and divorce cases end up with these visitation schedules, or something similar. You can also build off of these templates to create a schedule that works for your family.
Click here to view the Washington County Standard Visitation Schedule.
Click here to view the Benton County Standard Visitation Schedule.
Confidential Information Sheet
This form is used at the begining of any case involving children. It keeps the child's identifying information confidential, as well as other sensitive information of the parties, like dates of birth and social security numbers. You will probably be asked to fill this out if you are opening or re-opening a case. You don't have to have every piece of information, but you will need to fill in what you do know.
Child Support Calculator
The new child support rules went into effect in July 2020. We now use a “comparative income model” to determine child support, which takes into account both parents’ gross monthly incomes and child-rearing expenses such as work-related childcare and health insurance for the child. Although these calculations are somewhat complex, the online child support calculator can help give you an idea of what your child support might be.
Affidavit of Financial Means
This worksheet is standard in almost every case. Both parties are typically required to fill one out. It lists your income, expenses, assets and debts and is commonly used to calculate child support and alimony. After you fill it out and sign it, Leslie will review it for accuracy and sign it as well.
Child Support Handbook
The Arkansas Child Support Clearinghouse and the Office of Child Support Enforcement publish handbooks to assist custodial (payee) and non-custodial (payor) parents in the child support process. This is a good place to start educating yourself on child support basics.
Parenting Classes
The parenting classes offered by Childcare Aware of NWA are free and are on a first-come, first-served basis. Some classes are in-person at their location in Rogers. Others are by Zoom! This is a wonderful resource and is regularly used by Washington County and Benton County Judges. Click here to find the current schedule of classes and class descriptions.
Standing Orders
Standing Orders of the Court are issued at the beginning of every domestic relations case. They vary slightly, but are intended to protect any parties that have filed in a divorce or custody case. They prevent the parties from threatening or harassing each other, canceling insurance, taking off with the kids, or disposing of marital property. Be sure to ask your attorney how these orders apply to you. Click on the link to see a copy of the Washington County Standing Order and the Benton County Standing Order.
Court Connect
CourtConnect is your access to the court cases filed in Arkansas. It is the online public access portal to case information, including filings, pleadings, documents, court dates, and other case information. You can search by case number or party name.
Property Records
You can conveniently search property records online through the assessor’s office online portal in both Washington County Property Records and Benton County Property Records using address or name.
Judge’s Offices
If you’re running late for court, you better call the judge’s office! You can find the Washington County Judges and Benton County Judges phone numbers and addresses on the county websites.
Custody Calendar
Use this blank custody calendar as a template for keeping up with yours and the other party’s time with the children. You never know when it may be needed, so we advise always keeping an updated account of custodial time.